Sunday, September 26, 2010

Welcome to the Tobacco Industry cont.

Before viewing my post, I would like my viewers to watch the video below I chose to post because as a smoker I was unaware of how serious smoking a single cigarette could completely change one's life.

Now to introduce my post a step further I want to give you the basic information and facts about what cigarettes is capable of causing. So think about it before you light one up and puff the last bit of your cigarette. Are you willing to take the risk?

Smoking is not only the leading cause of death in the United States, but the hardest habit to part ways with because of its addictive ingredients. Statistics show that with the deaths of HIV, drug use, automobile accidents, suicides, and murders combined do not even add up to the total amount of deaths caused by tobacco use. Studies have been conducted and shown that smokers are almost more than twice as likely to encounter in cardiovasicular problems and other health issues than that of a nonsmoker. Smoking cigarettes reduces the circulation flow in arteries posing a serious risk for developing problems from pain and tissue loss to something as serious as gangrene.

Until April of 1994, the ingredients of cigarettes had been kept a secret from the public. Now that it is known to the public, we know now that cigarettes contain over 4000 chemical compunds created with lighting a single cigarette with more than forty-three being known carcinogens or cancer causing chemicals to the human body. Some chemicals being formaldehyde more formerly associated as embalming fluid, acetone which is used in finger nail polish remover, and also the most addictive chemical known to man, nicotine.

While doing my research, I found why quitting smoking cigarettes was important; probably the most scariest factor of smoking was that within every puff of a single cigarette the tar that it is contained within it only thirty percent of the tar is exhaled while the other seventy percent is held within your lungs. Putting aside the fact that each puff you smoke contains toliet bowl cleaners, car exhaust fumes, and rat poison, we as Americans that smoke are adding to the statistics of persons leading a smoker's life and death.

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