Sunday, November 21, 2010


Smoking may not be as popular as it was, say, 50 years ago, it still has consumed millions -if not billion of people in today's society. As a smoker, I realized that there are not as may smoking promotional campaigns as there are anti-smoking ads  in the media. Obviously there are not smoking ads on TV or the radio due to the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act, however, plenty of other forms of media make up for that loss like magazines, billboards and the Internet.

Just by flipping through a couple magazines, I could have seen half a dozen smoke related ads that either talked about it or displayed it. The most prominent anti-smoking campaign ads are "Truth." Truth compiled experts to conduct research in the year 2002, that found aproximately 300,000 less youth smokers due to the truth campaign ads. This campaign is not pro-smoker or anti smoker, it is merely trying to expose the general facts that we, the public is blind of. They are focusing on the industries that are manipulating the american public with their products, facts ,a dn advertising.

The Truth campaign offical website includes 218 facts targeting the tobacco industry. It provides games, videos, and dowloads alone with various other applications. When I read about this campaigns, they specifically spoke about how they are not appealing to the older 30+ smoking crowd because they are found to be harder to convince about the facts of smoking than the younger generations.

Truth campaign was founded by the "American Legacy Foundation, which was founded under the terms of the Master Settlement Agreement, between the US tobacco companies and 46 US states and 5 territories. uses Web, print and television to get its message across." The program was set out to drive a wedge between the tobacco industry and the youth audience by providing an in your face style advertising related to high-technology and edgy humor. Funding has become minimal for the campaign since they recieved their last guaaranteed payment in 2003 for the participating tobacco manufacturers. The foundation is currently facing serious funding problem and is attemping to continue the campaign through contributions.

I have posted one Truth Ad Campign below. It may not be the most effective but it was the most appealing to me besides the neew Shards O'Glass advertisements they have recently came out with. Tell me what you think!

The Truth - 1200

This attached to the above blog about the Truth Ad Campaigns.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Squeeze, Click, Change!!

 In the year of 2008, the tobacco industry was altered for centuries. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. invented a smart cigarette that chaned from the regular tobacco to a menthol flavored breeze. With this tiny cigarette containing a small blue capsule in order to release the wo factor to its' users. Reynolds Co. believed this "product as a innovation as a positive and differentaiting way to complete for adult smokers and market shares."

However, this clever idea had critics raving about how Reynolds Co. is targeting the younger generation with this tobacco innovation. Even though the market shares was their top priority in their innovation, R.J. Reynolds Co. is still second in the tobacco industry sales compared to the leading brand Marlboro manufactured by Alria.

Interesting that the Pope would have anything to say about the introduction of the Camel Crush, but he believed that its introduction to socially demonstrated and confirmed that smoking is becoming socially unacceptable.

"I see this as a gimmick that will enjoy a very brief honeymoon," Pope said. "After all, if a smoker wants a menthol taste, they can go to established brands such as Marlboro Green or St. Moritz."

So what's the real theory behind the Camel Crush? Was it purposely targeted at the younger generation? Personally, I believe the Camel Crush was targeted at the younger generation because the tiny transformation from a regualr tobacco cigarette to a menthol flavored cigarette. Some of the younger generation may feel that smoking a regular "harsher" non-flavored tobacco cigarette is "cooler" than a menthol flavored cigarette around others or the complete opposite.

What's your thoughts?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How does cheewing feel now?

I think we have always seen this in hot men's back pockets. If you are unsure as to what you are seeing, this would be a can of dip, chew, or smokeless tobacco. Chewing tobacco has been dated to being used in the 1860's in the southern region of the United States. Women and children of both gender's were noted for chewing tobacco.
However, I do not know about you, but I did not see any of that I was not even though of yet. I do know that what sparked my attention with chewing tobacco nowadays, is the baseball players of the twentith century. The United States has associated chewing tobacco with sports especially baseball, however, " its use by participants is almost universally banned at organized sporting events."

INTERESTING FACT**To all those baseball fans, does anyone remember Babe Ruth? Can you recall what it was that he died from. Well it was because of throat cancer also known as nasopharyngeal carcinoma [cancer of the upper throat], which is caused by excessive use of alcohol and chewing tobacco and he was a heavy user of both. Did you know that?

Most people believe the increasing use of baseball player using chewing tobacco has lead to the rapid increase of teen use of it also especially among the white and hispanic males. "In 1970, five times as many 65-and-older males used smokeless tobacco as 18-to-24-year-olds did." On the other hand today the statistic are flipped because males from ages 18-24 went from a 1% of the population to a 6.2% of the population, while the 65 and older crowd has decreased from a 4% to a 2.2%. Today, almost a quarter of high school boys are using this product and amazingly the girls are following the trend at only a 2.3%. In the state of Kentucky alone, 26.7 of high school boys are using and a whopping 27% of the same group are using in West Virginia.

Now in the nineteenth century in the peak of its popularity in the Western united States, a device or object was always associated with chewing tobacco. If you chewed you had to own a spittoon for the purpose of being a receptacle for excess spittle or juices that accumulated in the oral cavity from the tobacco. Once the chewing tobacoo's popularity declined in the years following its peak, the spitton became a mere relic of the Old West and is "rarely seen outside museums." "To this very day spittons are still present on the floor of the U.S. Senate."

So next time you see a nice male butt walking past you and see that shape in their back pocket, be sure to check thier mouth because that could be so hot!
The causes of chew.

Whose next at the kissing booth. Here's your candidate.

So not only could you have a more likely chance of receiving oral or throat cancer but also pancreatic cancer if the juices produced from the chew are swallowed causing stomach pains and then leading to stomach ulcers. Chew also leads to dental caries, gingival recession, and oral cancer. The CDC and NIH [National Institute for Health] have concluded that chewing tobacco users are four times more likely to to develope dental caries at the root of the tooth than non smokers.

"Studies indicate that possibility the high sugar content in many chew tobacco products to be the reason behind dental caries on tooth roots and crowns apart from the practical way chew tobacco is lodged in the mouth for up to 30 minutes at a time."

So I advise all readers, look at your significant other's teeth and see if they will last long because if they are a user or if you are. You could look like this:

And he was a former Major League Baseball Player.


Not only making a pernament indent in your back pocket but also in your jaw, at least what's left of it.